1. Think you found Hemlock Woolly Adelgid?
Review hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) identification on the Invader Gallery page.
Review common look-alikes.
2. Still think you have Hemlock Woolly Adelgid?
Call your district Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Office:
Windsor & Windham Counties: Springfield Office - Forester Jim Esden jim.esden@vermont.gov, or: 802-777-1591
Bennington & Rutland Counties: Rutland Office - 802.786.3851
Addison, Chittenden & Grand Isle Counties: Essex Junction Office - 802.879.6565
Lamoille, Orange & Washington Counties: Barre Office - 802.476.0170
Caledonia, Orleans & Essex Counties: St. Johnsbury Office - 802.751.0110