Monitoring for and treating invasive species is one of the most important things you can do to take care of Vermont’s working forests and natural areas. Be on the lookout for invasive plants and insects, and if you're a land manager or landowner, do everything you can to prevent the spread of invasives and treat existing populations.
To learn more about management options, check out the gallery of land invasives. Each species has its own "Management" tab.
Invasive tree pests, such as the emerald ash borer (EAB), pose serious challenges to Vermont’s communities. By planning ahead and preparing, your community can minimize the impact of invasive tree pests and reduce the risk of spreading them. Forest pest preparedness and response is ultimately the responsibility of municipal governments, businesses, and private landowners. Federal and state staff are available for technical assistance and early detection.
Management for towns and communities
Information about creating a forest pest preparedness plan can be found on the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry website.
Management for private landowners
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Vermont
Check out the resource hub for additional land management documents relating to invasive forest pests.
Monitoring for and treating invasive terrestrial plants is one of the most important things you can do to take care of Vermont’s working forests and natural areas. Be on the lookout for invasive plants, and if you're a land manager, landowner, or caring for a community space, do everything you can to prevent the spread of invasives and treat existing populations.
To learn more about identifying and preventing the spread of invasive plants, visit the Gallery of Invaders and check out the Resource Hub learn more about:
Getting Started
Developing a Management Plan
Developing a management plan
Management Plan Template Long Form
Management Plan Template Short Form
Comparison of Project Strategies
Assessing Infestations
Assessing infestations
Landowner Guide to Invasive Plant Assessment
UVA Invasive Plant Assessment Methods
Field Guide for 12 Invasive Plants Common in Vermont
Funding Opportunities
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service's Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
EQIP in Vermont
More funding opportunities
Treatment and Restoration
Hiring a Contractor
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service's Vermont Contractors list (last update: April 2020)
Early Detection Rapid Response
Early detection rapid response
Forestry Best Management Practices
Forestry Best Management Practices
Tool 1: A Landowner’s Guide to Invasive Plant Field Assessment
Tool 2: UVA Invasive Plant Assessment Methods
Tool 3: A Landowner’s Guide to Seeking Funding from the Natural Resource Conservation Service
Tool 4: Invasive Plant Treatment Methods
Tool 6: Weed Management Plan Template
Tool 7: Guidelines for Site Restoration
Tool 8: Property Summary Assessment
Herbicide Use
Disposal of Invasive Plant Material
A Solid Waste Guide for Invasive Plant Matter
Native Plant Sources
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Native Plant Sources